Useful Bookmarklets and Favelets

How to Install/Use these Bookmarklets:

They are short JavaScript programs that you activate by selecting a bookmark in your browser. They can save you lots of time. To use a bookmarklet from this site on another web page:

Add any of these Bookmarklets to your Favorites, or drag them to your Favorites Toolbar. Then load a webpage, click the Bookmarklet in your Favorites list, and go.

Websites with Bookmarklets:  


Useful Bookmarklets:

SVGA 800x600    XGA 1024x768 SXGA 1280x1024

View HTTP headers

View images

view passwords

javascript:(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = ""; F = document.forms; for(j=0; j<F.length; ++j) { f = F[j]; for (i=0; i<f.length; ++i) { if (f[i].type.toLowerCase() == "password") s += f[i].value + "\n"; } } if (s) alert("Passwords in forms on this page:\n\n" + s); else alert("There are no passwords in forms on this page.");})();

Read Cookie for Site

Form values Generates a list of the names and current values from the first form on a page. It shows only the checked value for checkboxes or a radio button set.

zap style sheets


Dictionary (M-W)

Thesaurus (Roget's)


All About Bookmarklets:

Bookmarklets are simple tools that extend the surf and search capabilities of Netscape and Explorer web browsers.  They are short JavaScript programs that you activate by selecting a bookmark in your browser. They can save you lots of time. Bookmarklets allow you to:

 You do not have to download or install software to use Bookmarklets

How do they work?
  Each bookmarklet is a tiny program (a JavaScript application) contained in a bookmark (the URL is a "javascript:" URL) which can be saved and used the same way you use normal bookmarks. JavaScript has been used by page authors on millions of webpages; Bookmarklets allow anybody to use JavaScript - on whatever page you choose (not just your own page).

Are they safe?
  Bookmarklets are safer than traditional software for the following reasons:

1.  They are extremely simple. With only a few lines of code it's hard to make a programming error that isn't detected immediately.
2.  You don't install software. Traditional software programs can produce conflicts with other programs on your hard drive. Bookmarklets work entirely within your web browser, so they can't independently interfere with the functioning of other programs.
3. Because you don't install software, you don't have the security risks of traditional software (which can install files all over your hard drive). Your hard drive is protected by JavaScript security restrictions.
4. Even if something goes wrong (say, you try to use a Netscape-only bookmarklet on Internet Explorer) the worst thing that is likely to happen is that you will get a JavaScript error message. Furthermore, this site has been designed (through server-side scripting) to make it impossible for you to get a bookmarklet that doesn't work on your browser

I used a bookmarklet and nothing happened!
  Many bookmarklets simply don't work if the webpage is framed (i.e., divided into separate panels). Notably most of the search bookmarklets don't work on framed webpages. This is because a framed webpage actually consists of several documents, so it may not make sense to treat it as a single document. For example, if you use the "Page Freshness" bookmarklet (which gives the last modified date of the document) then there may not be a single last modified date - the various documents may have been modified at different times.

  Fortunately there is an antidote: pull one frame out of the rest of the frames. You can do that and then use the bookmarklet on the single frame. For Netscape, right click and choose "New Window with this Frame". For Explorer on Macintosh, right click and choose "Open Window with this Frame". For Explorer on other platforms, use the Biggest Frame to Top bookmarklet. On Windows, you can add "Open Frame in New Window" to Explorer 5 with Web Accessories.

  If you aren't sure whether or not the page is framed (it can be hard to tell sometimes), you can use the "Number of Frames" bookmarklet (under Page Data) and see if the number is bigger than zero.   In some cases there is a frames version of the same bookmarklet. In other cases you will be warned that the page has frames. But most of the time there wasn't enough room to do either of these, so you just have to be aware of the problem.

I got a JavaScript error message!
  This really shouldn't happen but there are a few circumstances where it will:

  1. You put a weird input into a bookmarklet. For example, if you use the "Calculator..." bookmarklet and you put in something unexpected (something which isn't an arithmetic formula, such as a word) then you will trigger an error. Unfortunately there isn't enough room in a bookmarklet to trap errors like this; you will just have to avoid using a bookmarklet for something for which it is not intended.
  2. You have a bookmarklet for a different platform. You might be trying to use a Netscape-only bookmarklet in Internet Explorer, or vice versa. This shouldn't happen if you get your bookmarklets from this site; great care has been taken to insure that you can't keep a bookmarklet for a different platform than the one you are using. But if you move your bookmarks from one browser to another, or if a friend sends you one, then there is this risk. The solution is to delete the bookmarklet and replace it with the "same" bookmarklet from this site.
  3. There is an error in the bookmarklet. Because bookmarklets are so simple and have been tested on all major platforms, this is not a likely possibility. Furthermore, this site has built-in error detection (if an error occurs while someone is testing a bookmarklet the error and platform are logged.) However, nobody is perfect.
  4. You are using Explorer on a framed page. As discussed above, some bookmarklets don't work on framed webpages. With Netscape they usually fail silently, but Explorer might put up an error message (possibly complaining about the "object"). See the discussion above about dealing with frames.
  5. A framed page contains a page from a different domain. If one of the frames from a framed page comes from a different domain than the one listed in the Location/Address box, even the bookmarklets which handle frames will fail. See the discussion above about dealing with frames.